Monday, May 7, 2012

Bonsai Academy in Dusseldorf, Germany 2012 #5

On the second day usually a practical workshop takes place. Ideally the trees that were analyzed the day before are the ones the folks work on.

For this type of general introductory Academy weekend a wide range of skills is acceptable. intermediate, advanced and very advanced students are welcome. On the more theoretical part on the fist day any skill level is welcome.On rare occasions beginners are also accepted on the practical workshop as long as they have at least a lot of theoretical knowledge but not so much practical.

Besides this standard weekend the International Bonsai Academy also offers advanced weekends in many countries in the world.

This was a full house again and we thank the hosting nursery run by Werner Busch in Dusseldorf, Germany for the great hospitality.

1 comment:

  1. The guy in pisture 7 has some fantastic videos !!
