Thursday, July 28, 2011

The collection of Gerdi and Hans

Gerdi and Hans maintain this great collection in the south of Bavaria. I love to see their garden where there is so much space and the trees are really exhibited and not just deposited like in my own garden. At the moment their collection consists of Japanese trees only. This will change soon and more European trees will be added.


  1. What is the black color used for on that juniper?

  2. I am not so sure myself. I suppose it is to make the holes look deeper and more interesting. I think we will eventully work over all this deadwood and give it a more natural appearance.

  3. Are the pines on rock european or japanese kinds? The look very nice. It´s a pity that tree-rock compositions are rare.
    Such bonsai should be in every good collection.

  4. They only have most of the trees for a few weeks, because they were from a friend who has quit bonsai.
    Must not be easy to go from no trees to a whole collection of good trees in 1 time.
    I hope they have fun with the trees! They are great!

  5. I love their stands. Were they homemade or did they have someone make them?

  6. I love the stands. Did they make them or have them made?

  7. You would not want to pay for these stands. They are in metal processing business and do these stands in a couple of hours themselves.
