Monday, December 10, 2012

Bonsai Academy in Harrisburg, Pa 2012 #8

This was "Winter with Walter and Jim 2012".

In twelve months this will happen again. If you missed it this time make sure you are on the mailing list to get all the details in time. There will be a couple hundred new trees then.

Jim Doyle will put you on the mailing list:

"Woodstock" will happen from March 22 to 24, 2013. Make sure you are on the mailing list:

These seminars are for all levels, form beginner to very advanced and master. Everybody works on hi/her level. Outright beginners should concentrate to watch. But there is always something that they can do.
Bring all your stuff where you have questions with you.
In spring we will concentrate on repotting. The huge juniper will be wired fully over the weekend.

In March of 2013 around 300 new trees will arrive. This will be usual contingent of ponderosa pines and Rocky Mountain junipers, lots of very good and affordable Egelmann spruce, Many very good and affordable alpine firs, lots of very good limber pines and other stuff. a couple of real killer trees will also arrive.
Anyway, this is a chance you should not miss.
In spring there will be more than 500 top quality mostly collected trees at Nature's Way Nursery.

So far we said that this is the most comprehensive offer east of the Mississippi. Ryan Neil said that this is most comprehensive offer of top quality material in the country. How could we disagree.

Bonsai Academy in Harrisburg, Pa 2012 #6

The International bonsai Academy is much more than just about trees. it is also about people and friendship. In Harrisburg, a ride to a brewery on Friday night and a musical sit in on Saturday have become tradition.