Tuesday, November 29, 2011

International Bonsai Academy in Croatia 2011 - #39

This was some weekend! I really enjoy to work with such an enthusiastic group and with seemingly endless top-quality material. Here some glimpses int o a part of Marija's and Andrija's garden. Not a single tree there is for sale. Don't bother to ask. Well, a couple of olives and phyllirea are actually for sale as well as some pistacias. The trees that we worked on this weekend constitute much less than 50 % of the collection.
I wish all classes of the International Bonsai Academy come to a point where they realize that only with top-quality material one can create bonsai that will impress in the future. My classes are aimed to teach how to SEE such material and what to do with it.

International Bonsai Academy in Croatia 2011 - #35

Oriental hornbeam, Carpinus orientalis

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International Bonsai Academy in Croatia 2011 - #34

The show goes on. Andrija has rescued the missing images. About 50 more to go!

hawthorn, Crataegus mongyna.