Friday, October 30, 2009

with Sebastijan in Croatia

Sebastijan lives near Zagreb, Croatia. He too has lots and lots of outstanding trees which he has collected in Croatia. Every time I come I am astounded about the new additions.

with Mario and Ida in Croatia

Mario lives near Zagreb, Croatia. He has an enormous collection of indigenous trees. Recently he has added great mugo pines. Thank you Ida and Mario for your great hospitality.

very advanced broadleaved styling workshop #22

Marija just sent me these images to show the progress after I went.

very advanced broadleaved styling workshop #21

Two Phillirea latifolia.
Looking at all these images I cannot believe that we did all this in only two days. Anyway, this collection will grow and improve over the years. It would surprise me very much if it would not become one of the most important collections of broadlaved bonsai in the world.
Marija and Andrija have been doing bonsai for about ten years, but they started to do this seriously only three years ago. What you see is all the result of only three years work. All the trees before that were just toys compared to this.

very advanced broadleaved styling workshop #18

Three wild olives,Olea europea sylvestris, with very small foliage.