Monday, April 19, 2010

lectures and tree critiques in Enger, Germany #5

Manu from Berlin supplied these images. Thank you Manu.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

lectures and tree critiques in Enger, Germany #3

Images by Andreas, Peter and 'Mac Best'. Thank you.
I spoke for eight hours in a row with almost no interruption. And then at the evening event I spoke for another five hours with very little interruption. Must have been hard on the audience.

lectures and tree critiques in Enger, Germany #2

These are some trees of Hermann Pieper's personal collection.

lectures and tree critiques in Enger, Germany #1

'Bonsaischule Enger' is the name of the place in Enger in the north of Germany. It is run by Hermann Pieper. This is huge, as you can see. They are a real bonsai nursery, not just buying stuff and selling it but producing tens of thousands of bonsai themselves. This is probably the largest bonsai producing outfit in Europe. The quality is very good and prices are very reasonable. Who says that one cannot make money with bonsai? It is obvious that this is a very well kept place.